Many countries, including the USA, are developing new-age smart building software that varies greatly from the conservative facility management software.
Despite managing the facility, assigning work orders, and storing building information, conventional building management software has a few shortcomings. One of the major bottlenecks’ facilities face is obtaining information instantly from web-based software when dealing with older buildings. Older buildings store decade old data and maintenance logs, which are hard to keep track of.
In order to collect data for professionals who work in the field, managers are required to sit at their desks all day using FM systems. Building managers have a lot on their plates. As a manager, one cannot stay glued to his desk looking at data pertaining to every building or piece of equipment.
Due to this, daily tasks are severely delayed unless workers bug the manager 24/7 for data. Plus, the other alternative is finding data from the repository rooms, which is not a feasible option as well. Hence, to solve this problem, developers have introduced the facility management app, which provides instant access to building data within a few seconds.
Today's blog addresses some perks of this intuitive tool. However, before that,
Facility Management App: An Overview
AI, contextual search, and machine learning are combined to develop the facility management app, which helps to simplify facility management solutions.
It allows facility professionals to access building data instantly, wherever they are, in real time. With 85% of the world's population using a mobile device, facility professionals using this app can enjoy a portable plan room in their pockets. This app is a cloud-based facility management system where the data is scanned and stored securely in an archive. Through the app, which utilizes cloud-based data, facilities professionals can access data at any time from anywhere.
From managers to employees, everyone can access any data they need within seconds, allowing them to increase their daily productivity without spending extra hours looking for it.
Few Perks of Using Facility Management App
1. Emergency Mitigation
Facility emergencies are not uncommon. Floods, fires, bomb threats, pipe and gas leaks have often hit the news with much force. This is why facilities need instant access to emergency data when such circumstances arise.
Instant access to critical building data like emergency evacuation routes, contacts, refuge rooms, etc. can save the lives of facility occupants. A facility management app can be the hero that offers instant access to building data.
2. Enhanced Asset Maintenance
Managing assets and maintaining them can be challenging, even when using facility management software.
A facility management app, however, enables users to access asset data within seconds, including O&M manuals and contractor data. When the HVAC system fails, the worker can contact technicians right away.
As a result, asset maintenance can be performed more quickly and problems can be resolved more quickly.
3. 30% more work orders done
When building plans are accessible on the go, work orders can be completed more quickly. A new worker, for example, does not have to spend hours finding the shut-off valve in the data repository rooms if his task is to fix a leaky pipe.
Thanks to the facility management app, you can access building data on the go and complete work orders quickly.
Final Words
A facility management app has a number of notable benefits, especially for older buildings. For improved facility productivity, get this app if you too wish to take advantage of its powerful and useful features. This app can be purchased from companies like ARC Facilities, which are well-known in the facility industry.